This rare gray wolf subspecies, which inhabits the coastal rainforests of Southeast ... are facing the loss and fragmentation of key habitat and significant depletion from poorly managed hunting and ...
The DNR is proposing an inaugural gray wolf hunting and trapping season this fall that calls for a conservative harvest quota of 400 animals. Wolf research indicates Minnesota’s wolf population ...
Harming, harassing, or killing a gray wolf in Colorado can bring a range of penalties including fines up to $100,000, jail time, and loss of hunting privileges. CPW encourages anyone who believes ...
The rare gray wolf subspecies, which inhabits the coastal rainforests of Southeast ... The members of Alaska Rainforest Defenders use public lands throughout southeast Alaska for commercial and ...
Officials said the department completed a capture and release Saturday for the second Gray Wolf reintroduction season ... and loss of hunting privileges. The release of Gray Wolves in Colorado ...