Carbon in the Arctic resides mostly in the soil. There is more carbon in Arctic soils than in all the trees on Earth combined, and this includes every rainforest in the tropics. Growing trees in ...
Some theories suggest that this “Arctic greening” will help counteract climate change. The idea is that since plants take up carbon dioxide as they grow, rising temperatures will mean Arctic ...
LAST summer (1891) I spent some weeks in Western Russia and Northern Germany, in order to ascertain whether the glacial fresh-water deposits of those countries contained any remains of the ...
Scientists of the Urals Federal University will try to grow in Yal-Sala (the Yamalo-Nenets Region) irises, barberry, Hungarian lilac and other plants, which are not typical for the Arctic ...
The Arctic is warming four times faster than the rest of the planet and recent modeling has shown that many Arctic plants may lose all their suitable habitat as soon as 2040. “Climate change poses an ...
So it’s root system is shallow to cope with the thin and frozen soil and the plants grow closely together to provide warmth and shelter from the strong winds. This is the Arctic fox. They are ...
Strong winds could cause extensive damage to trees and power lines." NWS meteorologist Matt DeMaria, in comments to Newsweek concerning the arctic blasts in New Mexico: "It's not uncommon for us ...