Highbush blueberry, a native of North America, grows 6 to 12 feet tall and is the major blueberry-producing species in ...
The blueberry bush makes a wonderful choice for the home gardener as a flavorful food crop or as an ornamental landscape shrub. There are several important considerations in deciding which particular ...
Picture a charming blueberry farm, where vibrant bushes brim with richly colored fruit and sunlit leaves shimmer in the light. Yet, a change is on the horizon. Blueberry plants are now under threat, ...
A new North Carolina State University study pinpoints the worldwide spread of a fungus that taints blueberry plants with powdery mildew, a disease that reduces blueberry yield and encourages the ...
A new North Carolina State University study pinpoints the worldwide spread of a fungus that taints blueberry plants with powdery mildew, a disease that reduces blueberry yield and encourages the ...
And they ought to do it quickly, too, considering blueberry shrubs are one of the most important plants to prune in February and March. Now, before you panic, it's worth considering how long you've ...
Erysiphe vaccinii, a fungus that causes a powdery mildew to form on blueberry plants, originated in North America. It is now spreading rapidly across major blueberry-growing regions, including China, ...
Witches' broom is caused by a rust fungus that infects both blueberry bushes and fir trees. This disease causes clusters of small branches known as witches' brooms to form at the base of the plant.