We’ve compiled all the active Destiny 2 codes in a list that we’ll update periodically as Bungie makes more emblems available. You can claim your Destiny 2 free emblems by visiting Bungie’s ...
You redeem the codes above at Bungie’s code redeemer here. As for what they look like, our good friends at Destiny Bulletin have compiled the five of them, including what is almost certainly the ...
Destiny 2 dataminers have uncovered a new Sparrow themed after Bungie’s next game, Marathon, with pre-orders all but imminent.
Bungie's mysterious game code-named Gummy Bears has reportedly changed developers and is now in the works at a new PlayStation studio. While primarily a MOBA, the game is rumored to take ...
You can trust VideoGamer. Our team of gaming experts spend hours testing and reviewing the latest games, to ensure you're reading the most comprehensive guide possible. Rest assured, all imagery ...
Bungie's all-new IP, codenamed Gummy Bears, is a team-based competitive MOBA that has now been handed over to a brand-new PlayStation studio. That's according to The Game Post, which said that ...