The common cold isn't entirely preventable ... No genetic test exists specifically for cold prevention. If you have autoimmune conditions or genetic immune deficiencies that may impact your ...
The common cold is a viral infection of your nose and throat that can cause an overall feeling of discomfort. Find out more about the symptoms, prevention, and treatment of this common condition.
Maybe you've been in a room recently with someone who's coughing, but they say "I promise it's not COVID." While it's important to still be cautious about COVID-19, there are other viral ...
A cold begins when a virus attaches to the lining ... Bird flu, or avian influenza, is a viral infection spread from bird to bird. The most common kind is the H5N1 strain. While swine flu isn ...
A hacking cough is the primary symptom of bronchitis, according to the NHS. “A distinguishing feature of a bronchitis-related cough, as opposed to a typical cough, is the presence of mucus production, ...
Walk through the aisles of any pharmacy when you're trying to keep an impending cold at bay and you'll be met with a slew of options — from over-the-counter medications to cough drops, herbal ...