String theory has had an impact on modern mathematics ... in this country spend a great deal of money to do experiments on Earth and in the heavens. There are orbiting observatories, there ...
Imagine a piece of string wrapped around the Earth's equator - that's about 40,000km. How much MORE string would you need for it to sit 15cm above the ground, all the way around? The important ...
Bootstrapping strings Evidence that string theory could be the sole viable “theory of everything” has emerged in a new theoretical study of particle scattering. (Courtesy: iStock/Anadmist) Striking ...
Four in one NOVA: String theory's great claim to fame is that it ... motions govern the tides and the falling of fruit here on Earth. In the end we hope we will have a single theory that governs ...
String theory is perhaps the most high-profile candidate for what physicists call a theory of everything – a single mathematical framework capable of describing the entirety of the known universe.
Astronomers have discovered a rare group of five dwarf galaxies located relatively close to Earth; these galaxies exist in a near-perfect alignment, resembling a string of cosmic pearls in the sky.