New England may get the rave reviews, but California has the ecology, topography and the landscapes, according to California ...
When using the fall foliage 2024 prediction map, you can toggle the slider for a week-by-week prediction that tracks the changing colors in different parts of the country. The map of the United ...
(Don’t be fooled by the shade of tan on the map, which indicates moderate color, not past-peak color.) Dedicated leaf-peepers ...
Every autumn we revel in the beauty of the fall colors. The mixture of red, purple, orange and yellow is the result of chemical processes that take place in the tree as the seasons change from summer ...
Drought conditions and stressed trees could mean a short, unimpressive fall color season in some areas in Minnesota this year, while recent rain in other areas of the state may have been enough to ...
Colors in New England are peaking now, and New York state will enter prime viewing time soon, according to the fall foliage prediction map at But the Appalachians won’t peak ...
Gardner said, by mid-to-late October, the fall leaf color should work its way down those mountain areas and into areas of lower elevation. ExploreFall, a website previously featured on WRAL ...