新泽西州马瓦 - 市值1.94亿美元的医疗技术公司KORU Medical Systems (NASDAQ: KRMD)宣布与一家全球制药公司合作,开展一项III期临床试验。该试验将评估一种药物治疗罕见肾脏疾病的扩展适应症,目标患者群体约为3万人,潜在年治疗次数可达30万次。根据 InvestingPro 的数据,该公司在过去六个月内表现出色,股价回报率达85.7%。
China's medical insurance fund last year achieved a balanced budget, with a slight surplus, ensuring the safety and sustainability of the fund, according to the National Health care Security ...
BEIJING, Jan 17 (Gwadar Pro) – There is immense potential for collaboration between Pakistan and China in the growing medical and surgical equipment sector, and Pakistan is working closely with China ...