The disposal of robot components is complex. They usually end up in the trash. What if they could biodegrade themselves?
(Yicai) Feb. 13 -- Robots are producing robots at German robot maker Kuka Group’s Shunde base in southern Guangdong province. One robot rolls off the assembly line, which is lined with robots, every ...
A team of engineers at Westlake University, Zhejiang Normal University and Shaoxing University, all in China, has tested the possibility of making some robot parts biodegradable. In their project, ...
If you lease it like you lease a car, a $30,000 car, your price point per month is 300 bucks,” says Diamandis. “That ...
[Dickel]’s robot MDi #4 has been in progress for several years, but what we wanted to draw your attention to is the way the parts have been fabricated and what kind of remarkable results are ...
This meant fabricating almost all robotic parts in-house and having a stock center on hand with a large inventory of materials parts. “An engineer can put something together, but if you do not ...
Robots for use at automobile welding facilities and food production lines are programed beforehand so that their parts can move at the right time in the correct position. But the one created by ...