Trump’s view of TikTok evolved after a presidential campaign in which influencers on the app helped return him to the White House. Since extending the deadline, he has been in talks to help find a new ...
《华尔街日报》报道,Tik Tok看起来即将于周日在美国被禁。 Tik Tok美国版拥有约1.7亿用户,该业务有可能被出售,以便继续运营。但若剔除这个 ...
世上没有免费的午餐,也没有无缘无故的爱。 当初最早说要封禁的是特朗普,如今“欢迎”Tik Tok的也是特朗普。 但作为商人的川普似乎忘记了 ...
当地时间1月15日,美国当选总统特朗普正在考虑在上任后发布一项行政命令,暂停执行TikTok销售或禁止法60至90天。 据两名知情人士称,特朗普或 ...
Content creator Jimmy Donaldson, known on the Internet as MrBeast, has made it clear he is interested in buying TikTok.
Since its launch in 2016, TikTok, a video-sharing social media app, has gained immense popularity among users of all ages.
Social media users are speculating that Meta has bought TikTok, following Donald Trump's announcement that he planned to ...