Make up your own tongue twisters for even more fun and creativity! Want to know how? It’s easy – just use simple words that become tricky when said together, or pick words that start with the ...
Vowel sounds are the building blocks of clear speech, so concentrating on their pronunciation can significantly improve vocal clarity. Practice enunciating long vowel sounds (A-E-I-O-U) distinctly and ...
Not really a tong twister, as it is easy to say, but it is so long that no one understands it. Well known amongst French boy scouts. Tas de riz tas de rats. Tas de riz tentant taz de rat tentés.
An easy way to create a tongue twister is by starting with your name and adding words start with the same letter. You can even do it as a challenge taking it in turns to see who can come up with ...
Tongue twisters are those delightfully tricky phrases or verses that are designed to challenge the articulation and coordination of speech. The hardest tongue twister is packed with sequences of ...