As your heart beats, it pumps blood from the left ... a mineral found naturally in your blood, accumulates on the valve's cusps. Calcium deposits can build up sooner in people with abnormal ...
an extremely rare heart condition called a quadricuspid aortic valve. A normal heart has three cusps, or leaflets, in the ...
Which aortic valve cusp is most commonly and least commonly fused in patients with bicuspid aortic valve? The most commonly fused leaflets are the left and right coronary cusps followed by the ...
2006;9(10):691-696. The following sections present information about the most commonly implanted (contemporary) mechanical and bioprosthetic heart valves. The intent is to familiarize the reader ...
Left heart failure results in passive elevation ... such as a bicuspid aortic valve or cusp prolapse. Vegetations on the aortic valve, consistent with endocarditis, may also be identified ...
With new transcatheter options for the repair or replacement of tricuspid valves, the role and timing of repair — whether surgical or minimally invasive — is entering a time of transition.