What the country does with its newfound power will be crucial for everything from prices to the future of mining investments ...
OPEC on Wednesday stuck to its forecast for relatively strong growth in global oil demand in 2025, saying air and road travel ...
Saudi Arabia's energy minister and several of his OPEC+ counterparts held talks following Trump’s call to lower oil prices, ...
LONDON, Feb 12 (Reuters) - OPEC on Wednesday stuck to its forecast for relatively strong growth in global oil demand in 2025, saying air and road travel would support consumption and potential ...
石油输出国组织 (OPEC)周三在其月度报告中表示,2025年全球石油需求仍将保持相对强劲的增长态势,航空和公路交通的复苏将继续支撑石油消费,同时,潜在的贸易关税预计不会对经济增长造成实质性影响。
Decisions made by oil producer group OPEC take a long-term view of the global markets and are aimed at providing price stability, Secretary General Haitham Al Ghais said at the India Energy Week ...
OPEC on Tuesday said oil market stability is key to investment and global economic development and the producers cartel has ...
(法新社维也纳3日电) 美国总统川普呼吁降低石油价格,不过石油输出国组织及伙伴国(OPEC+)今天重申将从今年4月逐步提高石油产量的计画。 OPEC+部长级联合监督委员会(Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee, JMMC)在视讯会议后发布声明,「重申对去年12月5日决定的产量政策维持承诺」。
Trump is pressuring Saudi Arabia and other OPEC members to expand oil production in order to lower prices. TD Securities' Bart Melek discusses why prices are likely to climb despite this.
The 2 June 2016 OPEC meeting will be held amid a backdrop of oil prices near $50 per barrel, a sharp drop in Nigerian production due to sabotage, turmoil in Venezuela, Saudi Arabia operating with ...
1月31日,GTC泽汇资本分析表示,安哥拉在2023年宣布退出石油输出国组织(OPEC),结束了其16年的成员身份,成为继印尼、卡塔尔和厄瓜多尔之后第四个退出OPEC的国家。这一举动源于安哥拉与OPEC在石油生产配额上的激烈分歧,特别是OPEC批准阿联酋提高日产量20万桶至320万桶,而安哥拉的配额则被削减至110万桶/日,反映出安哥拉石油生产的下滑趋势。GTC泽汇资本认为,安哥拉的这一决定不仅是 ...
Donald Trump on Tuesday said he would reimpose sanctions on Iran's energy sector to prevent Tehran from building a nuclear ...