The key to a successful flash fiction contest lies in well-defined, concise rules. Set a strict word limit, ranging from 100 to 1,000 words. This helps participants understand the constraints. Pick a ...
A wide range of vocabulary demonstrates a strong command of language and makes your writing more lively, engaging and interesting to read. Keep a list of new words that you encounter and use them ...
In fictional pieces of writing, paragraphs help the reader to move through the story. Paragraphs are like signposts for your reader. A new paragraph usually indicates a change of time, place ...
An intermediate-level study of the craft of fiction, investigating a range of forms by means of creative production, workshopping and peer review. The fourth number of the course code shows the level ...
An exploration of the poetics and politics of experimentation and subversion in contemporary fiction and metafiction including analysis of the work (both creative and critical) of major practitioners, ...