EN&FR Women in Technology (WIT) cake sale in support of Aid For All on the occasion of the International Day for Women and Girls in Science 11 & 13 Feb 12:00 | At CERN | Restaurants 1, 2 & 3 | ...
Les atomes sont constitués de protons et de neutrons autour desquels gravitent des électrons, qui sont des milliers de fois ...
In December 2024, the CERN Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS) and Geneva Airport’s Fire and Rescue Service (Service de Sauvetage et de Lutte contre les Incendies Aéroportuaires – SSLIA) signed a ...
In application of Article R V 2.03 of the Staff Regulations, the internal tax scale has been adjusted with effect on 1 January 2024. The new scale may be consulted via the CERN Admin e-guide. The ...
Dive into CERN's accelerator complex with these 360° panoramic photos. You can take a virtual tour of the installed machines and equipment, visit different areas of ...
The LHC will not generate black holes in the cosmological sense. However, some theories suggest that the formation of tiny 'quantum' black holes may be possible. The observation of such an event would ...
Katarzyna Dyga of IT department measuring the TETRA network coverage and quality of voice calls in the AD during the end of year technical stop 2017/2018 assuring that the TETRA service is reliable.
Lors de l'inauguration de l'Année internationale des sciences et technologies quantiques, le 4 février, Simona-Mirela Miculescu, présidente de la 42e session de la Conférence générale de l'UNESCO, a m ...
Sélectionnée pour l’édition 2025 de Connect, l’artiste suisse Amanda E. Metzger sera invitée pour une résidence de deux mois ...
In the 1860s, James Clerk Maxwell recognized the similarities between electricity and magnetism and developed his theory of a single electromagnetic force. A similar discovery came a century later, ...
Is the Large Hadron Collider dangerous? No. Although powerful for an accelerator, the energy reached in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is modest by nature’s standards. Cosmic rays – particles ...
How is CERN is governed and organised? Find out about its Council, Member States and departments.