Our scholarships are made possible thanks to the generous donations of our PIPSC community and corporate sponsors. In 2024, the Legacy Foundation is offering a total of 39 scholarships. Thank you to ...
Cvent streamlines registration and the travel booking process for members. Once you receive your email invitation for the meeting, you can complete your registration and travel booking seamlessly, ...
This is your voter’s kit for the election of the CFIA-VM Group Executive. Voting will take place by electronic means only. No paper mail-in ballots will be provided. You will receive the email to vote ...
Our greatest strength is our membership. Leveraging that strength requires engaging members on important issues, developing collective solutions, and empowering them to be change-makers. Whether it’s ...
Présentation de la plateforme d’apprentissage Navigar Dans votre convention collective actuelle, nous avons accepté une offre de fonds de formation de 4 725 M$ de la part du Conseil du Trésor. Avec ...
Je vous écris pour vous informer d'une mise à jour importante concernant les élections du groupe ACIA-VM. Il a été porté à l'attention du comité des élections ACIA-VM qu'un candidat a été inscrit dans ...
I am writing to inform you of an important update regarding the CFIA-VM Group Elections. It has come to the attention of the CFIA-VM Elections Committee that a candidate was entered into the wrong ...
As the U.S. government moves forward with harmful tariffs on Canadian goods, we at ACFO, CAPE and PIPSC stand united in condemning these measures and their devastating impact on Canadian jobs, ...
“[Our vision is] to create a culture that enshrines psychological health, safety and well-being in all aspects of the workplace through collaboration, inclusivity and respect. This obligation belongs ...
We strongly disagree with a one-size-fits-all approach that has no evidence to support it, puts our members’ health and safety at risk, and undermines employee productivity, which negatively impacts ...
AFS members facing a layoff with at least 1 year of continuous service with the Agency should file a grievance demanding that they receive severance, per Article 19 of the AFS Collective Agreement.
Au cours d’un processus de règlement des griefs, voici ce que vous devriez faire : Au cours d’un processus de règlement des griefs, voici ce que vous ne devriez pas faire : Laisser l’inaction ...