Drinking at least two cups of black tea daily may lower the risk of heart disease and support overall health due to its high ...
To put an end to such harmful microplastics, Manakondur Rythu Pragathi, a farmer producers’ cooperative society, has come up ...
Regular consumption of hot tea and coffee increases the risk of oral and oropharyngeal cancers due to thermal injury to the ...
Black tea is one of the most widely consumed beverages, with compounds that potentially provide health benefits.
If you are trying to be healthier in the New Year, drinking more tea should be one of your resolutions. Our friend Leah is ...
For example, the Tea Board of Tanzania (TBT) recently brought together industry stakeholders to seek out strategies for the development of the crop – this chiefly in a bid to draw up a ten-year ...
You’ve probably heard that there are some health perks to drinking tea — but which claims are based on real evidence, and ...
Start your day with a refreshing cup of parsley tea instead of your usual morning drink. To make it even more refreshing, add ...
Experts believe that many types of chemicals and plastic are used to make paper cups, which are very dangerous for our health ...
Researchers found a ‘significant association’ between those who drank more green tea and lower cerebral white matter lesions ...
If a person drinks tea in a paper cup even three times a day, then 75 thousand particles of microplastic are going into his body, which increases the risk of kidney damage. Thus, we must learn from ...