The Greens have chalked up some significant legislative victories in what may be the final sitting week, setting the stage for what would be possible in a shared power Parliament.
The Australian Greens created a pathway for the Government’s childcare reforms bill to be passed today, by successfully moving in the Senate to bring the bill to a vote in what may be the final ...
Senator Mehreen Faruqi, Deputy Greens Leader and Spokesperson for Higher Education, has today introduced a Bill that requires universities to disclose and divest from any partnerships with dirty ...
The Greens have today tabled a landmark bill to deliver Federal protection of the right to protest.
Responding to the late night rushed passage of the Electoral Reform Bill, which every crossbencher opposed and both big parties supported, Greens spokesperson on Democracy, Senator Larissa Waters said ...
If you want change, the first step is to vote for it. This time, Vote 1 Greens. In a wealthy country like ours, everyone ...
The Greens (WA) on Wednesday evening will officially launch the LGBTQIA+ elements of their Social Justice platform for the 2025 WA State Election with a Queer Politics in th ...
“The Greens welcome the news that the government is considering purchasing Rex. Not only would this save these vital regional services, a publicly owned airline will bring more competition to the ...
Greens Deputy Leader and Higher Education Spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi and Housing and Homelessness spokesperson Max Chandler-Mather MP have responded to the Albanese Gov ...
The Greens today have announced a Parliamentary Budget Office-costed plan to tax Australia’s billionaires, as a new revenue measure in the party’s Robin Hood reforms.
Our economy should work for people, not just for big corporations and billionaires. But right now, 1 in 3 big corporations pay no tax and corporations are making record profits at your expense. While ...