On this page is a selection of KI's financial reports available in English. For additional reports, please visit the corresponding page in Swedish, or contact the KI Registrar.
The steering committee for AutNet-KI meets at least twice a semester to discuss the activities and events to be organized within the network. The network is chaired by Kristiina Tammimies and ...
Autism, affecting approximately 1–2% of the global population, is a lifelong neurodevelopmental variation characterized by differences in social interaction, communication, and behavior. With a rising ...
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KI ReproNET monthly organizes webinars and annual symposia. Additionally, this homepage serves as a platform for sharing information on open positions, relevant ...
StratRegen awards research grants in several categories to promote excellent junior and senior researchers, tandem grants for translational research as well as for educational, network and outreach ...
The KI Biobank core facility offers a range of flexible service options that are tailored to meet our customers’ needs. Our dependable and secure service solutions enable us to retrieve and process ...
Basic equipment in all laboratories Biosafety Cabinet - BSL-2 LAF (Kojair BioWizard). CO2 incubators (ThermoFisher Scientific i160). Centrifuge (Eppendorf 5425R). Centrifuge (Eppendorf 5920 R). Two ...
KI has a global and professional network of alumni that have made the journey from student or researcher at KI to becoming successful within their respective fields and careers. These invaluable ...
Serving as a vital infrastructure for process development, the pre-GMP facility supports academia, healthcare, and private sector initiatives. It bridges the gap between research discoveries and ...
When you're healthy, you have a thousand dreams, but when you have a disability and can't move as you want, you only have one. Our physical and mental health is directly dependent on our ability to ...
Want to join the network or receive more information? If you want to join our e-mail list or get in contact with the network, please send an e-mail to Wim Grooten.