Over four million Syrian refugees have fled Syria since 2011, with the majority seeking refuge in neighbouring countries. Five years into the crisis, and with no foreseeable end, it is of grave ...
While the ash cloud from Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano expanded for a relatively short time over Europe and then slowly disappeared, another cloud, this one unseen, is rising steadily over the ...
I am an addicted eco-sinner with big feet. Big carbon-excreting feet that is. Well, at least this is how I imagine introducing myself if ever I attended a carbon-emitters anonymous meeting. Such ...
Jared Diamond famously stated that “the biggest problems facing the world today are not at all beyond our control, rather they are all of our own making, and entirely in our power to deal with” when ...
Globally today, we are witnessing an “inexorable intensification of violence” in the world’s armed conflicts. The result is that there are currently 59.5 million refugees worldwide. And among that ...
With the topic of peak global oil production moving more into the mainstream, you have perhaps heard of the Canadian oil sands. There, huge tracts of remote forested land are strip-mined to obtain a ...
Waste not, want not. Unfortunately, this old adage has been overshadowed by a growing torrent of global demand for the latest and greatest consumer gadgets. Rapid technological advances, expanding ...
When I was growing up in Japan in the 1980s and 90s, eating sushi was reserved for when you were entertaining important guests or celebratory occasions. It was rare to have it once a month let alone ...
There is a pervasive belief amongst Japanese leaders and decision-makers that climate change will not have a big impact on Japan in the future. They are wrong. That is one reason many were dismayed ...
There are two sides to every story. But in some cases, society must admit that only one is right. The CAFO Reader: The Tragedy of Industrial Animal Factories delivers a most compelling collection of ...
As recognition grew that international migration is a global phenomenon growing in scope, complexity and impact, in 2013 the United Nations convened a High-level Dialogue on International Migration ...
“When that whole ocean comes and rises up, where are we going to go?” ponders Inherkowinginambana, a Kunjen elder from Kowanyama, a coastal Aboriginal community in tropical Queensland, Australia.