How will California be impacted by climate change? California is the most populous state in the United States and a global economic powerhouse. The state, however, has one of the world’s most varied ...
The study of the interactions between the oceans and land and the processes that shape coastal features and transport sediment and other materials near coastlines. Specializing in estuarine and ...
The Geosciences major embraces a wide range of topics, including the physical and chemical evolution of the planet, the evolution of life, the causes of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, ...
One of Scripps's longest-running data centers, serving reference-quality hydrographic ocean data to an international community for over 20 years The Global Ocean Biogeochemical float program supports ...
Jane Teranes - Scripps Undergraduate Research Fellowship (JT-SURF) is a 10-week, NSF-funded summer research program. Research opportunities include both in-person, on-campus research projects as well ...
The cross-border San Diego South Bay-Tijuana region is home to state parks, a Marine Protected Area (MPA), a federally sponsored National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR), Navy bases, the Port of San ...
Take 52 West, La Jolla Parkway. La Jolla Parkway continues down a hill into La Jolla and turn right onto La Jolla Shores Drive. Turn left on Naga Way (Sharp turn! Look for Scripps sign.) When the road ...