I wonder if anyone has drawings/details of the coke powered Brown Caloric engine? There were two fitted to LV50 in 1879, purchased from New York to provide compressed air for the siren fog horns. Many ...
I've received this from Stephen Glynn in the US who suggests an interesting resource for those interested in anti-slavery patrols: I absolutely love listening to your podcasts, and I have especially ...
This painting by the Flemish marine artist Andries Van Eertvelt (1590-1652) shows the Santa Maria, the flagship of Christopher Columbus at anchor in 1492. Painting more than a century after the event, ...
The Battle of the Nile of 1798 was one of the most important naval battles that has ever been fought. This episode presents an introduction explaining the context of the battle and is followed by a ...
Quick question. The attached drawing of the Vulture (from our local historical society archives) shows Vulture to be 3 masted. Yet I’ve seen references to Vulture being of the “Swan sloop” class.
Each year the Society holds its AGM on board HMS Victory with a dinner held on the Lower Gundeck. Tickets for this year’s celebration are now available for Members to purchase in the Member’s Section ...
This episode presents an astonishing and tragic story from the American Civil War with great relevance to the present day. It’s the story of a black teenager called David Henry White who comes from ...
Ticket prices (including Conference Fee, tea/coffee and sit-down lunch) are as follows: Students (upon production of proof of full time education) , £30 Full members of the sponsoring organisations: ...
The Research and Programmes Committee’s function is to lead encouragement of nautical research and education. Grant Funding for Research Projects 2021-2022. One of the main elements of the SNR ...