People are alienated from bourgeois democracy, but real, workers' democracy, is forged through working class struggle.
The Palestine movement is undeterred after the British state’s repression on the national demonstration in London last week.
The media feeds off the idea that some people are born evil. The creation of monsters sells and it obscures the real causes ...
Socialist Workers Party (SWP) branches across Britain hold weekly meetings where we talk politics and discuss campaigns.
Socialist Workers Party (SWP) branches across Britain hold weekly meetings where we talk politics and discuss campaigns.
Socialist Workers Party (SWP) branches across Britain hold weekly meetings where we talk politics and discuss campaigns.
Socialist Workers Party (SWP) branches across Britain hold weekly meetings where we talk politics and discuss campaigns.
The road to the Southport atrocity was paved by the system, from schools to mental health services, failing the family of ...
Prosecutors are going after Dr Dror Dayan, a British academic, for his pro-Palestine views. He spoke to Socialist Worker ...
After months of campaigning, Tower Hamlets council has committed to divest its pension fund from investments complicit in ...
Socialist Workers Party (SWP) branches across Britain hold weekly meetings where we talk politics and discuss campaigns.
Netanyahu's government boast about using the "lessons" they learnt in Gaza in raids on towns in the West Bank.