Kentucky State Police is investigating an “active incident” on KY HWY 151 near the Anderson and Franklin County line.KY HWY ...
Six vehicles were involved in a major accident along Highway 151 on the West Side.The crash happened around noon on Wednesday ...
The Kentucky State Police say they are conducting an investigation along KY 151 and are asking the public to seek alternative routes due to an incident.
The market for armoured vehicles such as tanks and IFVs beyond 2030 is strong, as countries seek to recapitalise capability.
新京报讯 据北京日报客户端消息,日前,市纪委监委公布今年1月查处违反中央八项规定精神问题统计指标表。截至1月31日,北京市累计查处违反中央八项规定精神问题151起,批评教育帮助和处理151人,其中局级1人、处级19人、科级及以下131人。