Rose campus are imminent, according to Albany County Executive Dan McCoy. McCoy tells CBS6 the County is expecting to close on the campus in March, hoping to move quickly with the county footprint ...
Albany, NY — A federal jury in the Northern District of New York dismissed a civil lawsuit against Albany County Correctional Officer 66-year-old Michael Snyder, Sr. in less than two hours on ...
Albany County has enacted a 90-day pause on the use ... the biosolids coming into our communities,” McCoy said. The New York State Departments of Agriculture and Markets and Environmental ...
McCoy signs an executive order temporarily banning the use of biosolid fertilizers on farms on Monday in Albany. Wanda Willingham, Albany County deputy ... to the New York Times.
The New York Department of Enviornmental Conservation is in charge of authorizing permits to land apply biosolids. According to its website, Albany County does not have any active permits for land ...
Meany had worked for the New York State Unified Court System since 2020, and was a former assistant public defender and deputy alternate public defender in Albany County. Kindlon also named ...
Albany County is collecting teddy bears for the Albany Med System. They will help support survivors of sexual and physical assault. They’ll be packed in survival kits for Albany Medical Center ...
Albany County has officially finalized the purchase of the old Central Warehouse property. That means the next steps can be taken to take the building down. County Executive Dan McCoy announced ...
ALBANY, Ga. (WALB) - New data shows significant changes in Albany and Dougherty County flood maps. That’s why Albany city officials are urging neighbors to get involved in updating the maps.