Arthur, Illinois, is not your average small town. It’s a place where the clip-clop of horse hooves replaces the honk of car ...
So she goes on a magical trip through time to see what life would be like with Arthur as her little brother./During a field trip to Amish country, Buster becomes enamored with the simple lifestyle and ...
It’s right where it belongs. “Arthur,” a show about an aardvark and his other animal friends, was always about inclusion. Its Christmas episode, “Arthur’s Perfect Christmas ...
A four-wheel horse-drawn carriage — a common site among the Amish community of Arthur. The horseshoes and carriage wheels cause more street damage than do vehicle tires. Our Communities Editor A ...
ARTHUR, Ill. (WCIA) — The Village of Arthur is making sure the Amish community is taken care of. This year they’ll be working on buggy lanes for a smoother ride. The Village President ...
Arthur and D.W. face the ultimate challenge when Mom gets a bad cold and then gives it to Dad!
A dog bite leads to an eventful visit to a hospital for Arthur and Michael. Arthur discovers an exciting new stage in his career, to Michael's considerable surprise.
Chicago Bears President/CEO Kevin Warren says higher ticket prices are coming, with an average hike of 10% expected next ...