"Exploring the clouds, say by balloon, can be done with technology that's ready today," Byrne told Space.com. "We could ...
Emmy Noether showed that fundamental physical laws are just a consequence of simple symmetries. A century later, her insights ...
A new film, Section 31, sets a dire new low for much-abused franchise. Will long-suffering Trekkies ever get the Star Trek they deserve?
The belief that life exists outside of Earth is known as ‘cosmic pluralism’. Intriguingly, this was briefly a topic of ...
Played by Ralph Ineson, Galactus is seen just barely in the recently released first trailer for The Fantastic Four: First ...
Finding life on another planet would be a world-changing discovery for humanity. But actually detecting it is no simple task.
Tech arts festival SXSW is upon us, and now in its 38th year, the main topic of conversation is once again AI. Here's the ...
Astronomers from MIT, the University of Liège in Belgium, and other institutions have stumbled upon a truly bizarre planet—an ...
Is anyone out there?” is an age-old inquiry not limited by time or borders. It resonates with our curiosity, the vastness of ...
An instrument created by a team at the University of New Hampshire was recently installed onto a spacecraft that is preparing ...
In the 1920s, astronomers thought that the Milky Way was the entire universe. Hubble's discovery revealed a much bigger ...
The probability of humanity being the sole technological civilization in the observable universe is considered to be less ...