Bharti Airtel Ltd. closed 7.52% below its 52-week high of 1,778.95 rupees, which the company achieved on September 26th.
Philips Capital, Maybank and DBS Group Research have raised their target price while HSBC Global Research and UOB Kay Hian ...
(新德里18日讯)消息称,新电信(Singtel)计划通过大宗交易出售它在印度的联营公司巴帝电信(Bharti Airtel)的股权,交易估值为850亿印度卢比(约43亿令吉)。美国全国广播公司财经频道《CNBC》旗下印度商业频道《CNBC ...
Many users from different locations have reported that they are unable to access the Vikatan website. However, as of now, ...
Bharti Airtel Ltd. 532454 shares inched up 0.20% to 1,717.15 Indian rupees Friday, on what proved to be an all-around rough trading session for the stock market, with the BSE SENSEX Index 1 falling 0.