KUCHING: Villagers from Kampung Selampit in Lundu are hoping for a solution to flash floods caused by heavy rain.
WE all have friends from decades ago with whom we used to have a lot in common: we could have grown up together in the same neighbourhood; had been in school together; had joined the same clubs or ...
(本报古晋29日讯)到今早11时为止,全砂已有15个疏散中心启用,收纳了1097名来着294个家庭的水灾、土崩及火灾的灾民。砂民防局今早11时发布的文稿如是指出。民都鲁达岛共有46户家庭被疏散,包括来自达岛Rh Steven Ak Jeli疏散中心收纳来自13个家庭的34人。民都鲁吉都隆体育馆疏散中 ...
A total of 32 temporary evacuation centres (PPS) have been activated across Sarawak as of 1pm this afternoon following continuous heavy rain and rising flood waters across the state, housing over ...
我国常见民族的男女传统服饰,左起为马来人、华人、印度人、峇峇娘惹、遮迪及暹罗族。 (马六甲17日讯)想要深入了解马来西亚丰富的民族文化 ...