The research suggests that the universe has become “messier and more complicated” over time, with a less clumpy distribution of matter.
Sci-fi planets like Dune's Arrakis and Star Wars' Tatooine might look cool, but according to NASA they're more fiction than ...
A really large asteroid strike likely contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs. So we shouldn’t be too surprised that ...
The Marvel universe has no shortage of incredible fighters, whether they be unstoppable brutes like The Incredible Hulk or ...
Over the last few weeks, we concluded that based on scientific observation and evidence from the cosmos, and evidence that there was a First Cause that caused the universe to begin to exist.
Look at everything the Tenth Doctor puts Martha through. He literally compares her to Rose while in bed together, forces her ...
Astronomers tracking mysterious fast radio bursts (FRBs) stumbled upon an unexpected cosmic puzzle. A burst was detected from ...
Anoushka Shankar continues to push the boundaries of Indian classical music with her fusion of electronic, jazz, and global ...
Ahead of its impending 4K release from Arrow, Tom Jolliffe takes a look back at a defining moment in Cannon Films canon… What ...
A must-do destination for animal lovers, write Simon & Susan Veness Sitting on the porch of the rustic Lake Village Lodge on ...
引言数月前,笔者曾写过一篇关于“巴黎奖牌”的科普文章,讲述铁矿石被用于修筑宏伟的巴黎铁塔,而铁塔的更换材料又被回收嵌于奖牌,见证人类的发展。文章引发了许多讨论,其中有一条评论引人深思:“埃菲尔铁塔的每一个零件都被更换过,那它还是原来的埃菲尔铁塔吗?”,同样,也有读者给了类似的回复:“人体的细胞每七年 ...