Developers who drive investment in deprived areas can bid for financial support through the Clean Industry Bonus.
The push to make homes more eco-friendly will result in a £21.8 BILLION bill for property owners, the Tories have claimed.
Labour's Joani Reid - the granddaughter of late trade unionist Jimmy Reid - wants to see Scottish jobs protected.
Ed Miliband’s net zero crackdown on landlords risks a £4,000-a-year rise in rents by the end of the decade, according to Tory ...
Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary Ed Miliband has refused to say whether he is personally in favour of the expansion of ...
As well as openly admitting to breaking a pre-election promise on energy bills, the climate change secretary threw his weight ...
Ed Miliband is poised to announce billions in new subsidies for wood-burning power plants to prevent Britain losing a ...
Labour has been accused of 'burdening' hard-pressed Britons with a 'misguided' extra cost after unveiling controversial ...
Labour said the plan could reduce average tenant's energy bill by £240 per year - but there are concerns that landlords will ...
The proposals are part of Labour's Warm Homes Plan designed to lift up to half a million households out of fuel poverty.
Energy secretary Ed Miliband has said that the government wants all private rental homes to achieve a minimum standard of energy efficiency by 2030.
The government will consult on plans to improve the energy efficiency of rented housing that could mandate all private rental ...