The specimen Rapp caught was an adult female he estimated to be about an inch to an inch and a half long. According to the ...
The field of paleo-inspired robotics is opening up a new way to turn back time and studying prehistoric animals.
Are humans the only species to drive another to extinction? Tom Ruppel | Dixon, California ...
The study by researchers at Pune's MIT World Peace University specifies shifts in dragonfly populations caused by changing ...
As more and more "historical" checklists are added to the platform, birds we've lost now mingle with those still hanging on.
New research has identified the extent to which human colonization and hunting contributed to the extinction of New Zealand's ...
Scientists also declared several other extinctions, including the first documented plant extinction in New Hampshire.
One of the most enigmatic extinct human species, is Homo floresiensis, the Hobbit species. Apparently, there are some people ...
The Nicobar Islands are a biodiversity hotspot, home to unique species found nowhere else. Long isolated, these islands have ...
Dallas-based Colossal aims to reintroduce extinct species, including the woolly mammoth. Here's how it plans to get there.
Once abundant on Socorro Island, part of Mexico’s Revillagigedo Archipelago, the Socorro dove was last seen in the wild over ...
The shortfin mako shark is on the brink of extinction due to overfishing, yet genetic analysis reveals that Atlantic ...