Europe should take a more proactive role in global trade and strengthen economic ties with China to safeguard its interests, rather than passively react to U.S. policies, a German trade group leader ...
据记者Germán García Grova报道,阿根廷中场帕雷德斯已拒绝了巴西俱乐部桑托斯的转会报价,他表示希望在意大利罗马完成合同。在与罗马的关系中,帕雷德斯展现出强烈的留队意愿,他计划继续为球队效力,以完成当前的合同承诺。
由古天乐、王丹妮主演的贺岁片《临时决斗》,自年廿九(1月28日)上映截至2月2日票房冲破800万,趁新年的大年初五,导演麦启光联同王丹妮(Louise)、王颂茵(Kathy仔)及陈献略走访新界区各大戏院与观众见面,Louise去到各戏院售票处,向观众 ...
A German entrepreneur who has lived in China for many years shares what impressed him most about the festive traditions of the Spring Festival.
"I have always been optimistic about China's potential for continued economic growth," said Michael Schumann, chairman of the German Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade.
An explosion hits the port of Beirut, destroying a large part of Lebanon's capital. A Lebanese film crew decide to continue shooting their movie in a nation struggling with economic turmoil and societ ...
总部位于印第安纳州贾斯珀市、市值11.8亿美元的州立商业银行German American Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: GABC )周二宣布,已获得印第安纳州金融机构部门对其与Heartland BancCorp即将进行的合并的最终监管批准。