To ensure charts and graphs are compliant with ADA standards, please use alt text to describe the nature or content of the data shown. If a chart is too complex to explain properly through alt text ...
How to describe this image: Pie charts should be converted in to lists or data tables. These charts are very simple so they can be converted into lists. Ignore extraneous visual elements such as the ...
A line graph shows how data changes over time. For example, how the volume of traffic changes over a day so you can see the busiest times. A bar chart is best for comparing groups of data.
within-sample variation (for example, position within wafer) sample-to-sample variation within batches ... The option PHASELEGEND requests the legend for phase (lot) values at the top of the chart, ...
Example 4.15 illustrated the use of BY processing with the GANTT procedure to present separate Gantt charts for each department. Alternatively, you can use a Zoned Gantt chart to display each of the ...
The data displayed for this chart goes back to 1997, however we hope to be able to offer deeper historic information at a future point ...