在不久前召开的行业展会上,Suzuki这家曾经风靡一时的摩托车制造商,透过其国产经典车型的演变历程,向人们展现了一段关于中国摩托车市场的波澜壮阔的历史。过去十年,真正能称得上“经典”、“神车”的国产Suzuki车型屈指可数,而在最近五年,这种车型更是凤毛麟角。如果说什么才是真正的经典,我们不妨从多个角度来审视。 对于制造商而言,经典意味着持续的销量与市场影响力,Suzuki这些年来所推出的车型虽然 ...
I n the late 1980s, Japanese car manufacturers limited their cars to a maximum of 276 hp. Often referred to as the Gentlemen's Agreement, this limit was imposed on cars by a few c ...
Here are five such bikes from India. This Hayabusa, based on the Bajaj Pulsar 220, carries extreme similarities with the GSX1300R. The bike gets fat tyres, which are of the same size as the Hayabusa ...
Pushing the Invader's start button brings to life a snarling 1,300 cc Hayabusa powerhouse capable of delivering 197 horsepower to the 18-inch wide rear tire. From a standing start the Invader ...