Be sure you talk to your healthcare provider about any natural remedies you'd like to try. Some may not be safe for you or may interfere with the medications you take. Remember that even natural ...
If you are living with pain, adding herbs to your regimen may help ease your discomfort, especially when combined with regular exercise, diet, and relaxation techniques. Inflammation is the body's ...
Art has long been used as an aesthetic aid in hospitals and healthcare facilities, and art therapy has existed since the mid-20th Century. But the practice of prescribing art and cultural ...
Explore the profound impact of physical work on health and the body at our new major exhibition. We publish thought-provoking books exploring health and human experiences. Our latest titles include ...
That's because spicy foods contain the compound capsaicin (found in chili peppers), which acts as a natural decongestant ... isn't responding to at-home remedies, or your symptoms are getting ...