Researchers have made a groundbreaking discovery in the field of hematology, providing an explanation for spontaneous and unusual blood-clotting that continues to occur despite treatment with ...
随着全球首创重组抗破伤风毒素单克隆抗体新药——新替妥®正式在中国获批上市,意义非凡。一方面,大幅缓解人血浆制品的原料供应压力;另一方面,其紧跟世界卫生组织(WHO)倡导,加速淘汰易引发过敏等风险的马源血浆制品,促使该领域药物快速迭代升级,向着更加科学 ...
A team of researchers have made a new discovery in the field of hematology, providing an explanation for spontaneous and unusual blood-clotting that continues to occur despite treatment with full-dose ...