Mary, and Joseph. We read in the hymn from Matins on the feast of the Holy Family: ‘It is pleasing to recall the humble house of Nazareth and its slender resources. It is pleasing to tell ...
These teachings of the Catholic Church may prove useful to include in talks, in homilies or for research. 423 We believe and confess that Jesus of Nazareth, born a Jew of a daughter of Israel at ...
Luke 1:26-38, The Annunciation Account 26 In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, 27 to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house ...
The Bible says she lived in Nazareth when Romans had control over the Jewish territory. After Mary became pregnant, her betrothed, Joseph, a carpenter, considered quietly leaving her until an ...
Mary of Nazareth Hospital in Chicago, followed by two years of service as a doctor in the U.S. Navy and then had a four-year residency in surgery at Hines Veteran’s Medical Hospital in Maywood.
The Holy Father writes: "She (Mary of Nazareth) precedes everyone on the path of holiness; in her person the Church has already reached that perfection whereby she exists 'without spot or wrinkle'.