施华洛世奇与莫兰特联名的 JA 2终于释出官图,并一口气推出两种版本,定价也各不相同! 另一款则在一席酷黑磨砂鞋身衬托下,鞋侧的抓痕位置点缀施华洛世奇钻石,同时鞋舌 JA Logo 与鞋身内侧 Nike Swoosh 也一并加持。 平台声明:该文观点仅代表作者本人,搜狐号系信息发布平台,搜狐仅提供信息存储空间服务。
The reasoning behind the vertical Nike logo design dates back to the launch of the third kit on September 17. In the club's statement, they explained that the double vertical Blaugrana swoosh ...
This morning, Nike introduced Swoosh Track Club, a distance pro network featuring several of the best coaches in the sport ...
The Nike Dunks SE Low is one of the popular silhouettes of the Swoosh label. It has gone through several iterations and ...
Italo Ferreira just announced he has joined the Nike roster. This is the first time the sportswear giant has sponsored a ...