Save Long Beach Island representative said the petition will show that noise from offshore wind turbines are at minimum an impediment to the travel of right whales. Specifically, the petition will ...
Save LBI says NOAA has established two critical habitat areas for the right whale: one off the coast of New England, primarily for feeding, and one off the coasts of Georgia and South ...
How big they are: Up to 32 feet (9.8 meters) long How long they live: Up to 100 years, but usually around 25 to 50 years What they eat: Fish, seals, seabirds, squid, sharks, and even whales Orcas ...
A humpback whale has got into difficulty after becoming entangled in rope at a fish farm off Skye. Organic Sea Harvest said it had suspended normal operations at its Invertote site in the north of ...
Unlike some whale species that migrate, narwhals spend their lives in the Arctic waters of ... Make a symbolic narwhal adoption to help save some of the world's most endangered animals from extinction ...
Behind me, I hear a rush of breath—the sound of a killer whale expelling air from their blowhole. I can’t turn around to look. I’m holding onto a metal crane, on the other end of which is a ...