Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Time off from digital devices. Find out how a school in England challenges students to stay away from their gadgets ...
Jho Shinwoo’s wife, who has spent many years in Hangzhou, went to Jeju Island to care for her daughter, who had just become a ...
Please explain “for lack of a better word” in this quote: “Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.” “Greed is good” is ...
美国历来是创业者的机遇之地,在历次工业和技术革命中引领全球。但过去十年间,这个国家却向自己的创新引擎开战。当政客们宣称要遏制科技巨头不健康的垄断霸权时,却以令人费解的方式将最有能力打破垄断的创业者们拒之门外——那些用区块链和开源AI技术构建去中心化替 ...
Trump loves to be admired by the elites, and he adores money. Musk has gotten the keys to the American kingdom so he can ...
Aleph Alpha首席研究官亚瑟·贾迪迪(Yasser Jadidi)指出:“大多数享有全球知名度的模型开发工作都侧重于英语。这是由于绝大多数可获取且可访问的互联网文本数据都是英文的,这使得其他语言处于不利地位。” ...
■1月15日,北大光华管理学院“Future leader”项目的5位学生拜访了芒格书院,与书院创始人施宏俊、主笔杨紫琳等人进行了有关阅读学习、人生规划和商业投资等话题的深入交流。
From now until February 12, enjoy a special experience at Mr. Rocky! Dine and get a punch card — visit 5 locations, collect 5 ...
(原标题:SFC Markets and Finance | Chen Wenling: In 2025, China will take an extraordinary path) ...
In March 2013, a 1.6-liter turbocharged midsized sedan called Qoros 3 debuted at the Geneva International Motor Show in Switzerland, grabbing the attention of a few reporters looking for something new ...