For instance, you can invite multiple team members to collaborate on a task, making Vikunja a solid alternative to expensive ...
Need a beginner-friendly GUI that's laden with all the essential features to manage your containers? Portainer has your back!
Portainer[34] 是一个容器管理平台 ... Kind[39] 是我们介绍的第三个启动 Kubernetes 集群的工具,具有稍微不同的重点。它允许你在 Docker 容器中运行 Kubernetes 环境,每个容器充当一个节点。 Kind 旨在使开发 Kubernetes 时测试集群行为变得更加简单。因此,如果你计划 ...
SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway (formerly known as letsencrypt, no relation to Let's Encrypt™) sets up an Nginx webserver and reverse proxy with php support and a built-in certbot client that ...
This configuration uses MatthewVance's unbound-docker container to implement encrypted DNS to third party DNS resolvers (eg Cloudflare). This is arguably less privacy-friendly since you're handing ...