Star Trek gave us one of its very best chapters with the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Yesterday's Enterprise." ...
Star Trek fans celebrate a lot of holidays. There’s Star Trek Day on Sept. 8, the anniversary of the premiere of Star Trek: ...
The Next Generation took off in 1987, there hasn't been a Star Trek series that hasn't had some type of connection to The ...
That, of course, led to the potential Star Trek: Phase II series which, in turn, became Star Trek: The Motion Picture. As the ...
Enterprise-C (Star Trek: The Next Generation, “Yesterday’s Enterprise”) As far as the canon goes, the Enterprise -C is a one hit wonder, only showing up in a single episode. But what an ...
Star Trek has a long history with visual effects, from The Cage to Section 31. For this article, visual effects include ...
(NEXSTAR) — At first look, NASCAR and “Star Trek” probably seem like they couldn’t possibly have anything in common. One is ...
Responding to a distress call on one of the Federation's outer-most colonies, the Enterprise arrives...only to find a big hole in the ground where the town used to be, and discovers the Borg are ...
A new film, Section 31, sets a dire new low for much-abused franchise. Will long-suffering Trekkies ever get the Star Trek they deserve?