Marguerite Shannon, senior economist at UUEPC, said the new dashboard allows for more nuanced economic analysis particularly as it allows comparison between NI and the Republic's regions.
["\u5371\u5bb3\u56fd\u5bb6\u5b89\u5168", "\u80cc\u53db\u56fd\u5bb6", "\u5206\u88c2\u56fd\u5bb6", "\u717d\u52a8\u5206\u88c2\u56fd\u5bb6", "\u6b66\u88c5\u53db\u4e71 ...
金蛇狂舞拜大年,我是娜姐朱迪蓓,正月初八,又顺又发,返岗开工了,祝大家工作蒸蒸日上,心想事成万事顺。初八也是传说中谷子的生日,因此又称 “谷日” ,称为谷日节。这一天素有观谷,也就是认识、观察五谷、食谷,也就是煮五谷饭的年俗,这既是 ...
The figures also suggest that the NI economy may have been performing better than the UK average. However those comparisons need to be treated with caution as the NI and UK figures are not fully ...
福州新闻网1月15日讯 1月13日,国能(福州)热电公司二期3号机组国产化DCS系统上电一次成功。上电全程操作规范、准确、顺利、平稳,各项技术指标均符合要求。 据了解,该公司积极与参建单位、监理单位以及国能智深DCS系统厂家沟通协调,从工期进度的 ...
<p class="large" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 0px; color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-family: &quot;Microsoft Yahei&quot;, &quot;Open Sans&quot;, sans ...