People are at the core of Student Life and Success. We thrive on student-driven innovation and collaborative teamwork between student leaders like you and the professional management team.
The TA Workshop Series provides ongoing professional development opportunities for Brock Teaching Assistants, Lab Demonstrators, Course Coordinators, Marker-Graders, and Seminar Leaders. Each workshop ...
Late registration fees begin when online registration closes. A late registration fee of $55 is applied to all initial registrations occurring after the dates listed above for the applicable term. If ...
In the Physics program, students lead research projects in condensed matter physics, materials science, theoretical physics, and biophysics. Our graduates gain extensive experience in research, ...
THE so-called faculty-psychology went hand in hand with the vogue of the formal-discipline idea in education. If thought is a distinct piece of mental machinery. separate from observation, memory, ...
The Graduate Diploma in Applied Disability Studies (ABA specialization) is meant for persons with a Master’s degree in Applied Behaviour Analysis, Psychology or Education who would like to take a ...
We’ll prepare you for a career in Information Technology (IT), an industry that is transforming our world and workplaces. You’ll study data structures, operating systems, database systems, ...
The SCLA program is an interdisciplinary and interfaculty program that not only focuses on the study of literature from different nations but also examines the ways in which literature enters into ...
Our Bachelor of Business Economics program is unique in Canada. If you’re interested in combining the studies of economics and business, this degree offers you the best opportunity. With an emphasis ...
The Earth Sciences program trains geoscientists — scientists who study the Earth and other planets in order to better understand their origin and history. Using this knowledge, geologists find the ...