A power company has been fined $9 million for allowing a “catastrophic” generator explosion that caused widespread blackouts due to a lack of backup systems.
Big solar and wind sent the share of renewables on the main grid to a record 44 per cent in January, and prices often into ...
New planning rules mean that wind farms will be subject to more strenuous assessments than coal mines, green groups say.
One of the first contracted solar farms in Victoria has been offline for nearly a year dealing with component issues.
A 70-turbine wind farm proposed for construction in coal country in Central Queensland has won federal environmental approval, clearing the way for it to be built.
Clean energy investment hit a new high in 2024, off the back of record electric vehicle sales and record renewables growth. But BNEF says there is “still much more that needs to be ...
Another three big renewable and storage projects enter EPBC planning pipeline, with two of them branding themselves as “energy hubs”.
Lessons from Australia teach us that going all-in on fossil fuel exports is a recipe for volatile energy supplies and higher prices. Trump’s “drill baby, drill” will leave Americans ...
Wind and solar are not far from overtaking coal and gas in Australia’s main grid. But market volatility is affecting prices. Are they being manipulated?
WA awarded more than $20 million to create “Australia’s first live DER marketplace,” in race to integrate the state’s huge rooftop solar resource before the end of the ...
German region received 440,000 complaints against wind projects. Most came from a single group, with one person writing 565.
Community consultation has begin on the creation of the Hunter-Central Coast renewable energy zone, which is featuring an upgrade of existing network capacity rather than new transmission lines, ...