A long-time militant of Eritrean People's Liberation Front has been named ambassador to Ethiopia and permanent representative to the Organization of African Unity. Girma Asmerom Tesfay replaces Haile ...
A French national born in Madagascar to which he returned in 1991, Bruno De Foucault was this week named vice-chairman of Groupement des Entreprises Malgaches (GEM). This Zanatany born at Antananarivo ...
The leaders of the ruling Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) who are faithful to Prime Minister Meles Zenawi are seeking to use the same legal weapon against the party's current dissidents that ...
The honorary consuls active in the country are in the process of creating an association to better coordinate their ...
Italian businessman Luciano Fragola who runs the Eldo group has dropped his project for an industrial zone specializing in clothing textiles, " Carthage Fashion City, " that was to have opened in the ...
Located 550 km south-west of Addis Ababa in the regional state of Oromia, the Yayu coal field was discovered in 1996 by the Ethiopian Institute for Geological Surveys (EIGS). Late last year, four ...
After waiting since last July, the Algerian government has finally named Amine Kherbi rather than Mohamed Salah Dembri as Algeria's ambassador to Washington. The Bush administration reportedly ...
A lot of changes at the top have occurred at the West African Portland Cement Company Plc (WAPCO) since it was taken over by Lafarge when the French group bought its parent company, Blue Circle ...
According to well-informed sources, the Eritrean president Isaias Afwerki, who has recently managed not only to end the long isolation of his country but also to establish it as a key regional player, ...
While the exact nature of the dispute with Liu remains shrouded in mystery, it relates to a transaction linked to gold mining in the country's eastern provinces. During the dispute, Ilumbe allegedly ...
The trade department at the French embassy in Nouakchott recently published a survey on the big family groups that corner most of Mauritania's economy. Top dog is the MAOA group (owned by Mohamed ...