Automotive plastics players, recycled plastics, automotive bioplastics, bio-composites, recycled carbon fiber, sustainable tires, upholstery materials, market analysis, 10-year granular forecasts, and ...
1.15. Challenges in the recycled plastics supply chain for automotive applications 1.16. Key tier 1 and OEM users of recycled plastic for automotive 1.17. Recycled plastic use remains limited in ...
1.13. Methods of accounting for scope 2 (power-based) emissions are coming under scrutiny 1.14. Comparison of different power sources for data centers 1.15. Cost comparison of different energy sources ...
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Solar power has emerged as one of the fastest-growing renewable energy technologies worldwide. This rapid growth has been driven by substantial investments, green government policies, ongoing research ...
As electric vehicles (EVs) become the norm, charging infrastructure must adapt to meet the diverse needs of drivers everywhere. In this short video, IDTechExSenior Technology Analyst Shazan Siddiqi ...
The battery industry is facing increasing pressure to develop new chemistries and materials to keep up with rising energy density and sustainability demands. The traditional materials discovery ...
5.2.1. Overview of the applications of perovskite/silicon tandem PV 5.2.2. Tandem PV for roof tops 5.2.3. Tandem PV to boost utility solar farm power 5.2.4. Could perovskite/silicon tandem PV be used ...
This premium article will provide some updates on performance characteristics and milestones reached and reported by silicon anode and battery developers. Login or Register You are not logged in. For ...
Achieving the strongest, thinnest, and most conductive graphene would require manufacturers to grow a perfect single layer, which can be tricky. IDTechEx's portfolio of advanced materials and critical ...
Q4 2024 sales of electric vehicles (EV) in the US show over 1.3 million electric cars were sold in 2024. This premium article unpacks key market trends, as well as assessing potential impacts of the ...