Research on climate policy is growing exponentially. Of the approximately 85,000 individual studies ever published on policy instruments for mitigating global heating, a good quarter are from 2020 or ...
A battery that needs feeding instead of charging? This is exactly what Empa researchers have achieved with their 3D-printed, biodegradable fungal battery. The living battery could supply power to ...
The Greenland Ice Sheet is cracking open more rapidly as it responds to climate change. Dr Tom Chudley, in our Department of Geography, led a new large-scale study of crevasses – wedge-shaped ...
Even the super-rich and the super-powerful can’t have it all their own way: Erich Honecker experienced it in the GDR in 1989 and dictator Assad in Syria in 2024. And before that, Stalin, Hitler, ...
After the deadly knife attack by a mentally ill person in Aschaffenburg, the lack of cooperation between the police and the judiciary should have been discussed in this country – as it was after the ...
Highly efficient solid-state heat pumps without compressors – that is the vision of Fraunhofer researchers. With the recent completion of the ElKaWe research project, they took a big step towards ...
In a study published in Nature, researchers at Linköping University have developed a method to recycle all parts of a solar ...
Germany could already be drawing electricity from 100% domestic renewable energies: Expansion of renewable energies ...
After the triumph of renewable energies, the next energy revolution is now emerging, largely unnoticed by the public: ‘Soon ...
Planting fast-growing crops, burning them, capturing the released CO₂ and storing it: this is being discussed as a way to ...
The Climate Risk Index (CRI) ranks countries by the human and economic toll of extreme weather. The latest edition highlights ...