Evidence from 13th-century chroniclers and physicians indicates plague may have been involved in epidemics a century before ...
The Black Death was a serious ... Others think that pneumonic plague was most serious because of the way it spread rapidly from human to human. In either case, death usually happened within ...
But according to a recent book by Norman Cantor, In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World it Made, that disease also forged a new world dedicated to the proposition that men had ...
Poet John Donne wrote these lines in his "Meditation XVII" as the feared Black Death ravaged his native London in 1624. The plague seems like a disease of a distant century, conjuring up the rat ...
The term 'Black Death' specifically refers to the outbreak of the plague disease in the mid-1300s. Later outbreaks, like the one in London in 1665, have been referred to as 'the Plague'.
In 2011, researchers from McMasters University suggested that the strain that had caused the Black Death had died out. This latest finding could help researchers understand the evolution of plague ...